cuter than yours. Seriously, look at your feet and then look at mine. Admit it.
Those "Katy" flip flops were given to me by my friend who lives in Katy, TX. Speaking of Texas, here are some of my thoughts about the big state.
Things I don't love about Texas:
No mountains
fire ants
Texas pride
Copperas Cove
Things I love about Texas:
Dr. Pepper museum
certain missionaries that servied in TSAM between '97-'99
certain member families
Carrie Margaret
Jonathan Dean
6th Street
Taco Cabana
Anyway, my brother Dan hit a hole in one last week. Think about how cool that is.

Thursday night was the first Intuitive Eating Meeting (say it out loud cause it is fun). It was great.
You're right. Your feet are far cuter than mine. I haven't had a pedicure in months. I try not to think about how terrible they've looked in flip flops all summer.
My best friend served in that mish at that time! And so did her husband...
you do have pretty hot feet... I'm kinda jealous!
You're feet are H-O-T. I'm not much of a foot fan personally, but yours are lookin' mighty fine. It makes me sad that the time of flip-flop wearing is quickly coming to a close. But I'm going to push the envelope until the bitter end!
No offense but these pictures are kind of blurry. I can't really judge your toes accurately.
You should be a foot model, hey look into that...
things I love about Provo and the Bean Museum...KTB!!!
hey, you clearly have never seen my feet, or you may not be so haughty about your own.
Ix-nay on the oe-tay ing-ray!
I thought of one more thing you might like about TX... CHRIS MADRID'S - Remember the time you told us you got permission to go with us there but we found out later you didn't... that was awesome (hope i didn't just sure a tsam secret). Thanks for putting me on your list of things you like about TX - love you.
Why have I never noticed your feet before? They are fab indeed!
your feet are cuter than mine. I have fingers for toes.
Don't forget about Walgreen's in Texas. I want to go there, we haven't been there in a while.
Oh, and the pink restaraunt Taco Cabanna. Is that what it was called. Good times. TSAM Pontious
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