Monday, March 31, 2008

If you liked this book ...

Then you'll also like this one:

This book is written in the same style as "This is What I Did:." Although it is about an older girl who likes to karate chop people and has her own stuff to deal with. I don't want to spoil anything but I will say that I couldn't put it down and it made me cry.

Be on the look out: March 2009 (hard cover release)

NOTE: I was not supposed to read it but when I saw the "advanced reading" copy at Ann Dee's house, I basically stole it. So if you are one of my siblings reading this, don't get mad at Ann Dee - you all know she has no control over me.

ALSO NOTE: I know some of you are rolling your eyes at my positive review because I am Ann Dee's sister so therefore I must be biased. However if you really know me and Ann Dee, you also know that I am her biggest critic so you can believe me when I say this is a good book.


i i eee said...

I remember c jane raving about the first book. I'll have to check both of them out -especially knowing that your sister is the author! Woot!

sincerely margie mei said...

I am soo excited to read it!! Can't u hook me up? come on Katy

Lindsey said...

March 2009!? That is so far away! CRAPSTOCK!

beanwebmaster said...

Linds - that is my favorite part in her first book. I love crapstock.

Dan said...

i'm going to read it this week. Not sure how, but it is going to happen!