because I find old lost friends like this guy. I didn't even realize I missed him so much!
KT + Ary = TLA

I was addicted to this show. Oh how I LOVED this season of Survivor but again my favorite girl, Amanda, didn't win! Now that its over I gotta do some homework. Blah.

I'm no longer addicted to this:

Or this:

but I could have them if I wanted... I'm just not addicted anymore. Thank you very much.
Took these videos yesterday of Dan's kids. Lacy is hilarious - enjoy.
your niece is so freakin' cute. she reminds me of my sister nicole at that age.
I was so bugged that Amanda didn't win, she was gypped. I feel like she made it to the end still a good person, whereas Parvati was much more manipulative and played on people's emotions. whatever dude, Amanda hooked up with Ozzy, so it's cool. ha.
That video is the cutest! Why don't you bring her to Gainesville with you...
Dang! Those are some cute kids.
Those are some cute kids. Congrats on no longer being addicted to sodas.
My phone is dead and I just checked my messages yesterday and found out I had missed your call. I am sure you have taken care of the matter...if not, I am happy to help.
is that the same Ary that I think it is? I couldn't tell from the picture. Did he change his last name? Wild!
Cute video, but I'm actually trying to post about your facebook entry. I got so excited when I saw the "edit profile" link. I thought that somehow in this crazy internet world I might be able to log into your facebook account and change things on your profile from your blog link. Oh the fun I could have had. Oh well, it was exciting just to think of the possibilities. Love ya!
Katy! It's your favorite Stephanie Asalone from the Penn State days! How ARE you? Drop me an e-mail if you'd like to get an invite to my blog (I'm here in SLC, as you would know from Facebook...where my e-mail addy is also located). Happy to find you on here.
I am so mad. I did not even know that the finale of survivor had already happened so I read your blog and was like WHAT THE!!! So I looked at my recordings and sure enough there it was. It was not so fun to watch when I stinkin knew who was going to win. I hated Parvati. Well thanks for spoiling it! Ha Ha!
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