MONDAY: Kate (from my grad program) slept over - I went to bed early and was no fun so can't really count that as a party. She bought me Cafe Rio - mmmmm.
WEDNESDAY: Stacy slept over cause she was working late in Provo - I'm all about helping out commuting friends when I can. Again I went to bed early and was no fun.
THURSDAY: Lucy, Jack, Tyson, and Luke slept over to celebrate the last day of soccer camp. I actually did stay up late and tried to have fun but I get a bit grumpy when I'm tired. Here are some photos from the event:

from my balcony

My DVD player wasn't working so we had to go to Target to buy a new one cause what's a slumber party without a movie?

They all thought I was crazy cause I bought them each their own Chapstick and not a treat. We live in a dry desert people. I was just trying to help them out - kids lips get chapped too.

Oh look and they got a treat anyway...

I put on a movie that none of them had seen, "The God's Must Be Crazy." I forgot just how naked those bushmen are in that movie. Shh - don't tell Dan or Sandy.

In the morning Grandpa Larry brought everyone donuts from the Provo Bakery.
FRIDAY: The Lady Cavemen were playing up at a tournament at Davis High so they all decided they wanted to "camp" at Cherry Hill. Um - that was not camping because we couldn't even have a fire. But I guess it was camping because I slept on the ground in the rain.
I love my girls even when they smell. There are very few people that I would sleep on the ground for these days.
I think you're the coolest person ever!
Me: Hey Luke, how was the sleepover?
Luke: Good
Me: What did you do?
Luke: Watch a movie?
Me: What movie?
Luke: Some show about crazy gods and they showed naked bums.
My nephews love the Gods Must Be Crazy (they were a bit squeamish about the naked bums, but the movie just wouldn't be the same without it.) Good choice!
You really know how to party.
Sounds like life is always a party when Katy is around - some things never change!
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