Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Family Christmas Party 2008

Doug and I called each other ahead of time so we could coordinate our shoes for the season.

These sorta-cousins had way fun playing together

Elder Lowell came home from Guatemala yesterday. I call him TomASS and it makes him mad especially now since he's an RM. Come on - I'm just trying to help him out. It sure was nice to see him.

We went on a hayride to see the lights at Thanksgiving Point.

Lucy and Lacy showing off the cool Christmas hat Kathy made for Ann Dee. Yes this is the Kathy that was on "What Not to Wear" who showed me how to decorate my Christmas tree, who trained Ann Dee how to be a missionary in Hong Kong and whose art is hanging up in my house. Yup - that's the Kathy.

Can you tell I don't feel as stressed by the frequency of my posts?
That reminds me - another couple of episodes of Cooking For One With Katy are coming soon! Stay tuned...


Baxter's said...

Hey Katy B! We are coming home soon. I am excited to see you. We had the carbonara that Millie made. It was yum. Save a place at Sensuous Sandwich for me!

hOLLIANN said...
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hOLLIANN said...

Merry Christmas...My boys have been dying to bring "famous Katy" a Christmas surprise...but obviously it will have to be Valentine's. At least they were thinking of you right?

bug girl said...

Oh-boy, those hats are causing me some discomfort...I think they will be images in my mindseye forever.

Merry Christmas!

Karen said...

Why can't Kathy ever make anything original. You see those hats EVERYWHERE...